Originally Posted by nechesh
OK guys, before we get out of hand with conspiratorial possiblities (which i usually love  ) i must point out that i know the "seller", he is a member here and has apparently decided to keep the kris for himself and restore it to it's former glory, including eventually restoring the junggayan. This is not to say that all you suspicions are not usually valid, they just don't apply in this case.
Hi Bill. How the hell are ya? 
HI David,
Thanks for setting that straight about the seller. I guess I was too quick to jump to possible conclusions. Glad that he is restoring it.
I had a large sniper bid set and was disappointed that he pulled it. 21 luks? Please let me know if he wants to sell it in the futrure. I'd like to have it.
I am doing well, thank you! Recovering from a total knee replacement is giving me a little "down time" so I can make a few posts until I get back on my feet.