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Old 25th February 2022, 07:11 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 34
Default Mameluke Saber given to British Officer

It is really not everyday you get to see a sword with such an immense history! Not only was this sword presented to the Coldstream Guards by the Mameluk chief Ibrahim Bey, who had fought Napoleon at the battle of the Pyramids three years before, it then served three generations of one family of officers serving in the Coldstream Guards, where it served through the Peninsula campaign and the 100 days where the owner fought at Quatre Bras. Its final owner was killed at Inkerman during the Crimean war in 1854. The second British owner who is painted with the sword in around the 1830s also fought at Fuentes de Oņoro, Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca and Vittoria he also publish his memoirs of the campaign. He was also largely responsible for the industrial development of a nearby Welsh town, Llanelli. -Nick Thomas.

This was written by Nick for a sword I won at auction a few months back with some really amazing history, he also made a video about it if you want to see more details.
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