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Old 12th February 2022, 08:34 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484
Default Where does this blade come from?

I have bought a blade with only the hilt ( Sumatran Solo hilt) quite a nice one methinks.

Anyway I will provide the blade with a new sarong or adapt an old one if I can find a suitable fitting but I am , in my ignorance, unsure of how you could class this “ wilah” , is it a Javanese wilah?

Initially I thought it was a keleng but I am not sure it will be, this is a shot at the cleaning stage

Somebody locally called it an “ High Keris” and said it was probably from before 1800 and called the Ganja kelab lintah. Another person fasked a friend in Indonesia and he said that this was a sempono panjul dapur. They all seemed to find it an interesting blade.

Again I am a beginner at all this.
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Last edited by milandro; 12th February 2022 at 08:37 AM. Reason: spelling
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