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Old 10th February 2022, 03:24 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Rafngard View Post
I think I can see schreger lines in the 6th picture, so I'd vote Elephant.

Have fun,
On the smooth part of the butt in the 6th picture those definitely look like Schreger lines. Given that's over a very curved surface I wouldn't want to wager a guess at the angle of them from a picture. The only way to tell what species (from such a small piece) would be to measure the angle of their intersections.

But that's not 100% Because the arc of the lines will change the intersection. Arc decreases with size the further out from the core one gets. Not by much. But enough that outer material from the very tip of a small Elephant tusk can look like outer material from the very base of a large walrus tusk.

One can get to about 70% confidence level with angle measuring of Schreger lines. Higher confidence beyond that relies on knowing where and when it came from and what the people that made it would have had likely access to material wise.
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