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Old 9th February 2022, 03:29 PM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

I have asked a friend with one of these machines to test diamonds and no it isn’t a diamond, several people in the shop agreed they may have been zirconia.

I have been getting to clean this but not all the tarnish came off and to use a polishing wheel would be really too much.

The dress was cleaned and then oiled even when I took the pictures and has been oiled more with scented oil.

Having said this, I’ve sent the wilah to be washed with warangan at a local expert and he will return it in a few days. I am curios to see what the pamor will look like. It was definitely present but discerning it from the tarnish was not easy. I will show it when it arrives.

Yes, I am aware of this being a simple keris but they are very rare in the Netherlands at least, while there are tons of Javanese kerisses the Palembang are fare and very few apart. So, I am happy with this example and who knows, maybe one day I will get some more.

The Hilt remains a “ problem”, I understand it is a correct hilt and that the ‘ damage” is in fact very common in these hilts, nevertheless my ambition is to try to improve on the looks with an hilt less plain than this. I’d be grateful if someone would come up with some suggestions for alternative hilts (so, not more of the same).
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