Thread: Kothimora Kukri
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Old 4th February 2022, 11:47 AM   #24
David R
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Hiya Duccio, I think what you have is the remains of a real Kukri, of some age and interest, that got itself wrecked somehow, and then reworked into something "saleable".

The blades has been shortened from the tang end, removing most of the kaudi in the process, and the remains of the grip carved into a fantasy crocodile head.The scabbard is of traditional form, even down to the "Eyes of Kali" on the retaining thong.
One can only speculate as to what destroyed it to the point where it is now.

PS, I think it would have been better posted as it's own thread, rather than tagged onto this specific discussion of Kothimori. I wonder if the admins could do something about that.
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