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Old 2nd February 2022, 10:57 AM   #18
Join Date: Jun 2009
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I find interesting, that this recently carved figure, which perhaps could be identified as Rarung, holds a piece of fabric in each hand.
(In Barong play Rarung has a red magic cloth, which makes her invisible, when put over the head, but serves also other purposes during the play)

An older Bali Wadon hilt of David possibly has a piece of fabric in one or both hands.

Finally the old Wadon hilts from 16/17th centuries hold a piece of fabric in the left hand.

In modern Barong play Rangda has a piece a piece of magic fabric, called Kekudung or Kekereh, which makes her invisible when put over the head. Also Barong himself has such cloth.

Under the many layers of possible simplification/trivialisation/vulgarisation perhaps the same thing can be supposed as origin of this.
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