Thread: Keris pincit?
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Old 1st February 2022, 03:23 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Ganapati View Post
What was the purpose of these keris?
How were thumbprint placed on them ?
How does one confirm authenticity?
1. Purpose would be talismanic. These keris were not made as practical weapons. The smith is imparting his power into the keris in this manner. I don't think there is just one talismanic purpose to be found here. All depends on what the need is at the time.
2. Good question. Alan Maisey has done a little bit of modern experimentation with this to see if it was possible to actually do with the fingers so he can probably speak to this a little more.
3. Another good question. This is easily faked by replacing tools for fingers. I think to takes a lot of looking at a lot of examples and in the end the answer is never definitive.
4. I believe the word you wanted is actually "Picit".
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