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Old 22nd January 2022, 07:19 AM   #2
Vikingsword Staff
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Hello efrahjalt:

Welcome to the forum, and thank you for posting this interesting sword!

As you note, this is probably a sword from the southern Philippines, with the blade forged by a Moro panday. The curves appear to be forged rather than created by stock removal. In total, I count 27 luk, which is an unusually high number for the Moro kris that this sword seems to be based on. I think the highest number of luk on a Moro kris that I have seen is 21. Also, a blade length over 30 inches is really uncommon. There were long swords developed during the Japanese Occupation Period (1941-1945). The blade is clearly missing its gangya (perhaps never had one) and might well be a custom made piece for a foreigner.

The hilt is highly atypical, of course, for a Moro blade. Is the hilt mostly horn or wood?

An interesting sword made for someone outside the Moro culture. Probably WWII-era manufacture, or shortly afterwards.
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