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Old 22nd January 2022, 01:50 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 52
Default A Flamberge Sword For Comments

Hi All

I have had this flamberge bladed sword for a few years and it's been a bit of a mystery to me. I would like to know more about it if possible. Some of the shapes on this blade remind me of weapons from the Philippines. The slanted guard for example reminds me of the slant seen on keris, and the flamberge blade of course is commonly found in SE Asian weapons. That said I haven't seen anything quite like it so have no idea where to place it in time or culture.

The blade is beautifully carved with very well done and crisp waves. Having done some blade making myself I have an appreciation for how much effort this would take to do nicely. The hilt however leaves something to be desired which makes be wonder if it is a later addition. The metal hilt parts are aluminum which makes it quite recent, but the blade appears to have a little more age to it. Hard to say for sure. Am I onto something?

The blade is 30-1/2 in and the total length is 36-1/2in, so it's not a small blade, and if it's from the Philippines it's quite large compared to typical swords from that part of the world.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this one if any.

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