Thread: A Madura Keris?
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Old 21st January 2022, 01:07 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by milandro View Post
the person whom bought this keris died 35 years ago, the daughter was cleaning the house because her mother was now being moved to a new house and her recollection was that her father bought these at least 50 years ago.

She didn’t use the story to sell the keris , I have asked about the background, which she gave. I have no reason to doubt her, she certainly didn’t buy the keris herself because she knew nothing about kerisses.

She told me that her father had a large collection and that after his death most was sold but they kept 4 kerisses as a memento of their father (there was also Indonesian furniture and woodcuttings and batiks) .
I wasn't suggesting that this man's daughter lied to you to make a sale. But family histories often get confused and muddled especially more than 3 decades later.
I am not sure how interested this man's wife was in his keris collecting interest. I will say that while my own wife understands my passion and what draws me to collecting keris, she would be pretty hard pressed to be able to tell whether i purchased any particular keris in my collection last week or 30 years ago. 35 years after my death i a sure she would not know, unless i left specific notation to the facts of acquisition surrounding each piece. I don't have a daughter, but i would imagine that she would know even less about such matters. This may well have been one of the very last keris this man purchased before his death. Who knows. But while i can see the possibility that he might have bought this as a new keris in 1986 i am afraid i do not see much possibility that this keris was created as early as 1972. It is what is commonly referred to as karmardikan keris made in Madura, from the new era of keris making that didn't even begin until after the 1970s.
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