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Old 17th January 2022, 09:01 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484
Default First post: A Balinese Keris

Hello all! I am finally a member of this community although I have been watching for a while while trying to acquire information, I hope you will forgive me if I don’t immediately grasp everything especially the forum microculture which is different in every place and of course the terminology which I may not yet possess.

I am from the Netherlands where I’ve been living for the last 32 years. Of course as you know there are many krisses here, for obvious reasons.

At the moment I am the proud owner of 5 keris , probably a mix of relatively new and maybe something assembled with older parts.

This Keris which I like to show to the community was acquired from the estate of a former collector who passed away 35 years ago, the daughter told me that her father had bought most of his collection at a Dutch shop some 50 to 60 years ago. I bought 2 keris from her, This one and another from Madura , or at least with elements from Madura which I will show in another thread.

The Hilt or Ukiran shows , I believe, Buta Nawa Sari, The Warangka en Pendok have other images carved in the wood. I would like to ask those with a better knowledge of the Balinese culture what they think about the depictions there. Are these scenes from the Ramayana ( as some people in the Netherlands have suggested).

The wilah seems to be in relatively good state showing some slight pitting in parts . The Pamor is visible although at some point I may decide to have this going through a bath with some warangan to enhance the contrast even more and get rid of some oxidation which I think is there. The Pamor patter should be Pulo Tirto, Islands in holy waters (or so I’ve been told).

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