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Old 14th January 2022, 09:51 AM   #22
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as in my previous post, I still leave open the possibility that it is a fantasy sword, however from the 16th century.

Of course if you only base on the style, I don't know anything from the 16th century that resembles it at all.

But,,,there are some small details that I really like, the wedge-shaped flexible blade, the technique of the etching, the brass decorations on the grip , are identical as on fe burgonet helmets.

so as explained in my previous post, I'll leave both, 16th century and 19th century, options open.

Of course I respect everyone's opinion, especially in the area of two-handers, Neil's opinion.
There are not many who have delved into this subject as much as he has. He is an authority in this field :-)

re: Provenance
Provenance says a lot about medieval swords because 99.9% of the fakes are made after 2000.
In this case 16th or 19th century, provenance says much less, if you can go back 100 years, you still have no clarity.

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