Thread: Big Kaskara
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Old 13th January 2022, 02:07 PM   #4
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409


Nice kaskara. The blade may have been locally made, but the photos suggest a sophistication not usual on local blades. The blade appears to have both distal and profile tapers. The center khor appears to taper as well. Above the "marks" could be a pseudo-ricasso. Still, there were/likely are high quality swordsmiths who made top notch blades.

The cross-guard had a crack on the bottom near the blade. This suggests it was made in the one-piece bent over method rather than the older 4-piece type. If that is the case the crossguard would be post-1940.

I've not seen an example the silver work before. Could be an original design, but influenced by the traditional dotted diamond motif.

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