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Old 1st January 2022, 10:31 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Thanks for posting this piece, Detlef!

To me the blade looks like a North coast blade from Java (also the size seems not unusual); the mendak and selut would fit well with such an origin, too. I can't see enough of the rather crude hilt for suggesting an origin - despite some age, it may be a later replacement.

The scabbard construction is typical Sulu style; it is not unheard of that some later Java blades traveled into Moroland and got incorporated into the local culture though. Especially some intermediate keris from Borneo exhibit trade blades from Java (or of possibly Java/Madura/Bugis-influenced local manufacture).

Some of the blade features are not consistent with Moro preferences. There is quite a bit of wear indicating some age - nothing close to predating the evolution of the Moro kris though (IMVHO). The blade does not have the typical taluseko style which would make local manufacture a bit more likely.

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