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Old 28th December 2021, 07:41 PM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409

Thanks Jim for the kind words. I'll try to live up to your expectations.

The blade with the deep full length channel/khur fuller may be Ethiopian. They seemed to do a lot of that style, but their channels were often highly decorated. The marks may have an Ethiopian flavor, but I would agree more with Wayne & Jim that they are the use of the big punch of the half-moon mark without the smaller one to finish off the effect.

The Hadendawah tassels on both swords appear as new and suggests the reptile skin on the grip and scabbard may be recent as well. It looks like the crossguard has been over-cleaned, but has nice details.

The other crossguard looks like the Sennar chisel style. Its blade has the classic early European short wide fuller, but may be able to tell more with better pics.

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