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Old 28th December 2021, 04:51 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2013
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All very good observations from all parties . Yes I believe that it is a shortened blade, but the tip configuration seemed strange and it reminded me of a Chinese trousse tip. I too am leaning towards Chinese because of the Jian-like blade configuration, the scrollwork on the scabbard which almost looks like a Dha sheath. The blade above the handle does appear to have some European sword characteristics which could be a repurposed sword or one made in imitation and as such, I certainly think that it could be a composite sword.
I thought that it could possibly be Indian because of the cane-like handle, maybe it was a Fakir's weapon, and I have a couple of Indian ax handles that reminded me of the same color scheme.
Lastly, I threw in African because when all else fails, and no viable guess can be made, I attribute these items as possibly belonging to that land of mystery.
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