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Old 27th December 2021, 07:45 PM   #27
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Well Calien, if the British were in control of the Toledo Factory for a long while in 1812, that changes the perspective; whether it is possible that Campbel commissioned a sword with his name on the blade, or at least this opens a door to such probability. This considering that the factory was fully operational by then and he managed to organize blade smith, hilt artisan, scabbard fitter and engraver to set it up.
By the way, i don't recall anyone having questioned that the scabbard would not be the proper one for your sword.
However the inscriptions being partly hidden by the langets, a practice that, as you note, often occurs, i view it that the (some) blade makers, not being able to realize which type of hilts will be mounted on them, do not ponder to leave space enough for the inscription to be fully visible. A question of common sense, i guess.
Also new for me is that Toledo also forged this type of blades with yelmen; but that should be no surprise, as my knowledge of these is extremely limited.
Stay safe.


Last edited by fernando; 27th December 2021 at 09:15 PM.
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