Originally Posted by kai
Thanks for posting - that's an interesting riddle!
Hello Kai,
My pleasure!

And yes, it's a riddle to me as well!
Originally Posted by kai
I assume you base this attribution on the hilt only? Nice carving and age!
Yes, you are correct, I think that it's a Long Glat hilt!
Originally Posted by kai
The Long Glat were one of the last groups to perform traditional high-quality bladesmithing into the 20th century. Even if we assume this blade to be a functional user made from precious foreign steel without bells and whistles, I don't see any of the typical Long Glat features here. High quality Long Glat blades got traded pretty much over all of Borneo - maybe this is a trade from a coastal area though?
I guess that the blade could be worked everywhere on Borneo.
Originally Posted by kai
How well does the blade fit the scabbard? Nice, old scabbard with worn knots - a large bone plate of exuberant form missing at the damaged foot. Belt also looks genuinely old (and broken); less sure about the pouch.
The scabbard is made for this blade IMVHO. And yes, there seems to be something missing at the foot of the scabbard.