Originally Posted by ariel
Nothing was meant to contradict you; if you read it as an attack, I apologize, I did not mean to offend you or anybody. The " Name Game" was specifically addressed to to the " kindjal-tanto" type definitions.
No worries Ariel! We "know" each other from some time and even when disagreeing I don't think we take it personally. And I quite enjoy a good healthy disagreement from time to time.
I just wanted to clarify a little my position pertaining the name game. Of course we can call every small, single-edged-bladed weapon a "knife," and we would be correct.
However, we can be much more specific and confer much more information by calling each specific single-edged-bladed weapon kard, bichaq, karud (I know you particularly like this one)

, choora, lawi ayam, puukko, tanto, etc. And if we do it, we'd rather be consistent.