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Old 18th December 2021, 04:02 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by David View Post
I wouldn't think so Vantique. Firstly it doesn't really look like any of the known examples of Surya Majapahit, where the sun symbol has pointy rays and there is lots of detail within. Secondly, while breechloading swivel guns were invented in the 14th century, i don't think anything quite like this was used during Mojopahit Java.
Here is an example of Surya Majapahit found in Javanese temples.
Well, i'm going to have to correct myself, as it does seem that breech loading cannons like this were indeed used during the Mojopahit period. Apparently these are known as "cetbang".
"Majapahit cetbang cannon from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, from ca. 1470-1478. The Surya Majapahit emblem can be seen."
As you can see, there is a Surya Majapahit emblem on this cetbang in much the same place as the symbol on yours. I still don't think yours shows a Surya Majapahit because the form seems wrong, but perhaps it is a symbol relating to Mataram or some other subsequent kingdom.
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