Thread: New kris book
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Old 12th December 2021, 04:50 AM   #6
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I'm not sure when or if I'd ever read the book fully from cover to cover. This is nothing to do with this book per se, but I've never read any keris book from cover to cover. My main aim in collecting keris books is to see the keris photos as my reference of what a good keris should look like. And furthermore these days I don't have stamina to read 'technical' books and I have a whole library of books that I meant to read (for pleasure) but sadly would never have the the lifetime to read them all! (see pics of a small part of my home library ).

Having said that, this new book is a good complement to the earlier book by the same author (and others) "Senjata Pusaka Bugis". The new book has basically the same type of keris depicted and at least one for sure appears in both books.
The new book focus more on the close relationship of the Peninsula Malays and the Bugis people. The only 'drawback' is that the keris shown in the book are all the Bugis type from Sulawesi and none from Peninsula/patani as comparison and diffeerentiation, which is understandable as the photos are mostly fro the collection of the author himself who is a Bugis from Sulawesi and perhaps do not have collections of Malay/patani bugis keris.
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