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Old 12th December 2021, 12:37 AM   #3
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

This blade has a boto adeg blumbangan, the sogokan is nicely cut --- not high class, but well formed and nicely done, the distance from the last luk to the point is not too long, there is an ada-ada to the point, the sirah cecak appears to be Surakarta form, I cannot read the rondha it is too heavily eroded, I cannot read the material, the blade is out of stain and very dirty. The wadidang appears to have been reasonably wide. The surface does not show evidence of heavy acid cleaning.

Cleaned and stained it might be classifiable as Surakarta, the other choices are East Jawa and Banten.

The hilt appears to have considerable wear to the top of the head and back, it is not particularly well carved, there is dirt, or perhaps resin adhering to some of the detail carving. I believe the age of this hilt is considerable.
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