Originally Posted by katana
Ah.....I almost forgot....
Ernesto Juan, you must be colour blind......  .....the fans of the winning team will be wearing white with a small red, St George's cross
And as to our friends in Belguim, I am envious of the number of quality African artefacts you can find in your country. 
Well, to be honest I think neither the English nor the Dutch will win this world cup. The Dutch do not have a bad team, though it is not mature enough, all youngsters and prone to physical injuries. The English? More a collection of individuals imho lead by a rather weak coach.
My guess would be either Germany or the " boys from Brasil" :>) will win this cup.
Was it not an Englishman who defined soccer as: two times 11 players battle for two times 45 minutes and in the end, the Germans win. ?
-> My friend from Uruguay; bear in mind that Brasil won the world cup lots of times and is not exactly an economic world power.
All the best to everybody and forgive me for starting this sub-thread about soccer, that obviously does not have anything to do with edged weapons.
On the other hand, a famous Dutch coach once mentioned that " soccer is war" .