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Old 6th December 2021, 10:22 AM   #157
Vikingsword Staff
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Originally Posted by kronckew View Post
Watch n'The Real Glory' 1939 -Gary Cooper, available on Amazon Prime Video in the USA or on DailyMotion

Read up on Pershing and the Moro 'insurrection' which had been going on whhen the spanish were there, and continued when the USA took over. About half the Datu & tribes were pro-USA & fought the other half with us.

Not our finest hour. Pershing stopped the insurrection by killing everyone who rebelled, men, women, children, livestock, and bvurning their villages. It was a brutal war.
Wayne, I think you will find that Pershing was involved mainly with incidents on Mindanao, and specifically in the area around Lake Lanao occupied by the Maranao groups. His activities were over a relatively short period, perhaps 3–4 years if I recall correctly. The worst treatment of the Moros at the hands of the U.S. was on Jolo, and Pershing was involved with one of the last of those battles, while others occurred before his time in the Philippines. Pershing was tough and methodical in battle. In the battle at Bud Bagsak in 1913, the Moros and their families had withdrawn into their fort that was then shelled by artillery. Most Moros died during the bombardment, including women and children. Many of the women were also combatants according to contemporary accounts. It was a decisive U.S. victory but not the last conflict.

Last edited by Ian; 6th December 2021 at 10:43 AM.
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