Thread: Keris to ID
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Old 28th November 2021, 05:14 AM   #3
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

David, in the original photo it does look like Madura, but I've re-orientated the image and cropped down so we can see the gandhik and blumbangan in a more easily understood position.

Personally, I would give this keris as Mataram, I cannot give a sub-division of Mataram from the image.

Yes, the adeg lines do come to a point, but I think I'd like to look at it in the hand before I'd give it as ujung gunung.

The wrongko is Solo, the pendok has been engraved.

It is a class keris.

My preference would be to fit a good quality planar hilt and a quality mendak, and keep the present Madura hilt as a cabinet piece.
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