Thread: Keris to ID
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Old 28th November 2021, 02:25 AM   #2
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Yes, this is a well made keris and the blade and hilt are indeed East Jawa/Madura in origin. I am less convinced that the gayaman style sheath is Madurese though. Does the blade fit perfectly into the sheath?
I believe the pamor might be Ujung gunung, but better photos would help a more definite assessment.
The ivory donoriko hilt has a depiction of the mythical winged horse Si Mega. According to a legend this mount belonged to one of the most powerful rulers of Sumenep called Joko tolè or Kiai Kuda Panulè. He rode this horse when he was at war with a prince from India who had a flying ship as a mount.
BTW, the hilt is facing backwards and should be turned 180 degrees.
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