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Old 18th November 2021, 08:26 PM   #3
Vikingsword Staff
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Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting this question.

Just to clarify what you mean by "clip point." Are you referring to blades where the spine angles abruptly downwards towards the edge, but nevertheless has an acute point? Or are you referring to a blade which essentially has a blunt end, as if the point has been cut off?

To illustrate with a figure from Cole's early 20th C paper on the Tinguian people of northern Luzon. Are you referring to blades such as shown in #2, or blades like those in #5 and #6? Blades like those in #2 are very common throughout the Philippines, while those like #5 and #6 are less common but also found widely.

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Last edited by Ian; 19th November 2021 at 12:28 AM. Reason: Spelling
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