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Old 16th November 2021, 11:17 PM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Sounds to me like we're playing the Name Game here.

In fact Kai, on the ground, real time, real place, Solo, Jogja , Malang and Bali too, all the places I get around in non-covid times quite a bit, amongst the general populace there is no use of all the names and terms that the collector community seems to know in Jakarta, Surabaya, and most of the world outside these places of origin.

Even amongst the keris literate people of Central Jawa terminology is very much more relaxed than what I see in this Forum.

I remember very clearly what Empu Pauzan Pusposkadgo said when we were discussing the new publication of Ensiklopedi:-

"where did he get all these names & words from? I never heard of a lot of the nonsense that is in this book"
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