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Old 16th November 2021, 01:05 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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While no kaskara 'expert', I have been fascinated by the kaskara for more years than I can say exactly.
The snakes you see here are remarkably similar to those seen on a good number of kaskara of this period, and hardly likely to have been added in Australia. The peacocks or whatever birds those are also resemble other Sufi decorative elements, which prevailed on Persian swords. There was of course profound Persian and Sufi influence in the Sudan. as seen with much of their weaponry.

This is one of the most profusely decorated examples I have seen for some time and truly appears to be an outstanding piece which may well have been a bring back as suggested. I had not ever heard of the Australian involvement (thank you Ramba) ,in this unfortunate campaign in 1885, which failed to get support to Gordon at Khartoum. It has been held that there were political issues at hand , which strategically delayed the support he needed, so the abandonment of the campaign and disbandment of this unit.

I think this is outstanding in military tradition exemplifying the ever ready support always at hand from Australia for its allies..
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