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Old 15th November 2021, 09:10 AM   #16
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Hello fernando, thanks for the pm.

you have a very beautiful smallsword rococo example from around 1770.
The paternoster on the blade is a Dutch sword blade characteristic from the 18th century.
Also, in some parts of the Netherlands, the double-headed eagle under a crown was common until the 19th century.

But in the Netherlands there was a flourishing export of weapons in the 18thC to many countries, including Russia.
The flower design on your hilt is also seen on some of the dutch high quality export firearms for the russian market.

My first impression is that this could be a dutch smallsword for the russian market.

Are there maybe (very small) marks somewhere on the silver parts that can give us more clarity?


Last edited by cornelistromp; 15th November 2021 at 09:21 AM.
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