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Old 11th November 2021, 01:25 PM   #9
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Thanks much Jim, for all that material. Indded i have previously browsed duble headed eagle crests in heraldy, masonry and religion (papal) but, so far, i found no clue.
It is naturaly admittable that this specfic design was artist's initiative, but what went trough his mind to draw something so similar to something else?.
On the other hand, we can see that every detail was skilfully care of. I wouldn't know the name of the technique but i notice that the motifs inside the guard shell are not the 'reverse' of the exterior beating (repoussé ?) but work done in purpose.
Also the seam stitching of the scabbard is done with the finest technique; looks almost microscopic.
Looking with more attention to the blade, the elliptical 'concavities' are each separated by two dots.
Concerning its hexagonal section, i would say this gives it a more weapon like look.
When you mention to have seen on some European blades the elipses in a floral type configuration, i can think of a motif engraved in a sword for a Portuguese high rank owner. But of course this has no connection with the sword in discussion.
Still no solid trace as to where this sword comes from; and whether the blade was the one original to to the hilt.

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