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Old 10th November 2021, 11:56 PM   #13
Vikingsword Staff
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The decoration of Moro barung and kris scabbards with exotic synthetic materials (including aluminum) is very much a phenomenon of WWII and later, and seldom seen earlier. I agree with Xas that the wrap on the scabbard of Yves' barung is most likely 1980s in manufacture. Similarly, the kakatua pommel is post-WWII, and especially used later in the 20th C until today. Sajen's example has a kakatua with a smaller crest. This style may have appeared shortly before WWII and predates Yves' example.

I can't tell if the blade is laminated and it probably does not matter a whole lot for reasons already discussed. If the dress on the hilt and scabbard are original, then the dates Xas has given are what I would estimate also, making this barung roughly 30–50 years old. It is possible that the blade may be older and was redressed in the late 20th C, but that would be hard to demonstrate.
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