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Old 10th November 2021, 07:48 PM   #12
Keris forum moderator
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I would say that it is impossible to tell from the current condition of this blade whether or not it is laminated. It would need to be polished and then etched to find out. So i personally will draw no conclusions there.
On the yellow plastic wrap, i would still say it would be nice to replace this with rattan. Yes, Vanna has a kris with pink tape wrapped around the sheath. But just because these materials are indeed being used in more modern times by actual indigenous users of these weapons i am not convinced that is a good excuse to preserve the plastic wrap. The plastic isn't in the best of shape anyway, so if you are restoring it should be replaced and it is just as easy and will look far better if you replace it with rattan. Either way, the black electrical tape has to go.
I do agree with Detlef that there is both older monosteel blades as well as newer laminated blades. So i am not convinced that can be used to verify the age of the blade. I think this is certainly post WWII, but how much later than that date is difficult to tell.
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