Originally Posted by Sajen
PS: I wouldn't remove the yellow plastic band, see this kris from the collection of Mario Ghiringhelli.  See the picture taken from the pictured book.
It's a part of it's history IMVHO.
The farthest I would go would be 70s though. I've held several locally-obtained pieces similar to the thread-starter's, provenanced from mid-70s all the way up to late 80s, hence my position on this. I chose the 80s as a conservative estimate. I'm OK to be proven wrong, if there's a provenanced WW2 / immediate postwar piece that would match the thread-starter's, with a definite date of acquisition.
As for the carving on the pommel, that same carving style exists until today, among newly-made barungs in Sulu. I have friends who make those.