A silver hilted small sword for comments.
Not only the hilt but also the scabbard with silver mounts. It looks like some of the motivs in the hilt depict zoomorfic figures. Pity that the scabbard was broken. I realized that gluing the two parts wouldn't work so, i had the local silver smith to fix it with a silver band.
I am so far relying on the assumption that, the guard having the double headed eagle, should be the coat of arms of the Habsburgs. Could this be a fact ? And its age; could the blade be earlier than the hilt ? Why would it be full of those 'concavities' ? Would this be a (usual) fashion of a determined blade smith ... German ?
I would so much appreciate your thoughts on this one, Gentlemen !
Last edited by fernando; 9th November 2021 at 09:24 PM.