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Old 9th November 2021, 06:04 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Godfried,

I doubt it's a Langgai Tinggang because the "Krowit" looks different from the standard Krowits from the LT I've been looking at. In addition, the groove along the length of the sheath is missing.
You refer to the groove along the back of the blade, I assume?

I'd posit that this is one of the intermediates between langgai tinggang and other Iban blades (possibly leaning towards parang pedang which can also exhibit mandau-like features). Also the scabbard has some LT and some mandau features while the hilt suits a LT. On total evidence, I'd be fine with calling this a variant langgai tinggang or an intermediate Iban piece. Nice one!

BTW, please also show the backside of blades and scabbards as the offer additional clues for discussion!


Last edited by kai; 9th November 2021 at 08:38 PM. Reason: I just love auto-correction...
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