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Old 7th November 2021, 07:27 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by kai View Post
The sendirung examples in Djelenga have very slender, almost stiletto-like blades.

Some spears also come with very slender blades. Considering the traditional devotion to recycling throughout the archipelago, I can well imagine a worn-down spear head given a second life as a functional dagger since the forces on the blade are quite different.

The asymmetrical base of your example also makes me think of a possibly damaged spear blade; OTOH this could also be argued to be part of the original design...

BTW, is the attribution to Lombok based on actual place of collection?
Hello Kai,

Thank you for your comments!
The blades by sendirung are always formed like a tombak blade, of course it's possible that recycled spear blades get used as blades for them, only the maker will know exactly.
I've purchased it from a German auction house, by the attribution to Lombok I just followed Djelenga.

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