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Old 4th November 2021, 09:22 AM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Detlef,

Thanks for posting!

Djelenga described a chundrik with a blade similar to a keris without gonjo, a sendirung with a blade like a tombak and a tempius with a blade with star cross section.
I am not aware of a tombak blade like the blade in question.
The sendirung examples in Djelenga have very slender, almost stiletto-like blades.

Some spears also come with very slender blades. Considering the traditional devotion to recycling throughout the archipelago, I can well imagine a worn-down spear head given a second life as a functional dagger since the forces on the blade are quite different.

The asymmetrical base of your example also makes me think of a possibly damaged spear blade; OTOH this could also be argued to be part of the original design...

BTW, is the attribution to Lombok based on actual place of collection?

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