Thread: Pawakan
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Old 28th October 2021, 04:17 AM   #18
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I'm up a bit south of Nowra Ian, near a little town called Tomerong, used to be a big timber town up until about 1950 or so. Saw mills all over the place.

There was still a bullock team operating here into the 1990's.

Nowra itself was a cowtown into the 1960's, but its pretty much a suburb of Sydney now. 100 miles from Sydney, a lot of the dairy farms have become Pitt Street farmers weekend get aways with pretty little horses and Galloway cows.

Bit hard to find any genuine country people here these days, most have opted for an easier life, shuffling papers or acting the part of baristers in Balmain coffee shops.

Old Oz is on the way down the tubes.

Ever tried to buy a decent axe recently?

Cheap garbage. You want a decent axe you need to order from a custom maker. In the 1990's you could still buy 5 pound and 5 1/2 pound axes in the hardware store in Nowra. Hytests. But no Plumbs or Keesteels.

No decent hardware stores left either. Bunnings killed them.

Been a lot of change in only the last 20 or so years.
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