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Old 27th October 2021, 01:19 AM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409


You have a nice well used Beja kaskara made in Eastern Sudan. The worn tassel on the grip is a Beja stylistic signature. The blade has a nice distal taper signifying a very qualified bladesmith. The three fullers are common on locally made blades and were inspired by similar fullers on imported munition grade likely German trade blades. The circular marks are likely the maker's mark similar to those used in Kassala. The cross guard appears to have a gap on the bottom. This suggests a one-piece unit made by forging a pre-cut template. This innovation was developed around 1950 as it became increasingly more difficult for craftsmen at the time to make the more traditional 4-piece guard.

The squares on the scabbard are Kaskara style. I don't know the significance. The scabbard is really dry and could use a good leather rejuvenation.

I'm not aware of the kaskara being used on giraffes, but they were used to hamstring elephants by the Hamran tribe hunters as reported by western travelers in the mid-1800s. Dangerous work.

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