Thread: Bicol Ginunting
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Old 26th October 2021, 08:01 AM   #14
Vikingsword Staff
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Here are the additional pictures of the blade I posted above. The thickness of the spine just in front of the hilt is 8.5 mm measured with a micrometer. The width of the blade tapers quickly moving away from the hilt, and the cutting area of the blade is about 3-4 mm wide for much of its length, tapering further to 1-2 mm wide near the tip. The clipped spine has a sharp back edge for about 20 cm. Both the regular and back edges are razor sharp and symmetrically V-ground (not chisel-ground). The regular cutting edge has been quench hardened.

The hilt has finger cut outs and what appears to be a bat's head for the pommel. The hilt is full tang.

Length of blade = 48.0 cm (18.9 in), length of hilt = 13.8 cm (5.4 in).

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