Thread: Kothimora Kukri
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Old 23rd October 2021, 10:19 AM   #15
kronckew's Avatar
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The last two look like they are a decent fit, unlike the first post's.

Generic simplified comments for those who do not have or use the khukuri:

In the past, and even now, to a lesser extent, India had a rigid caste system, kind of a Union gone to extremes. Discrimination by caste is now illegal, but India, especially in rural areas, changes slowly.

The Lowest caste, the untouchables, included the Kamis (blacksmiths) and Sarkis (scabbard makers). The Kamis did not make the scabbards, and the sarkis did not make khukuri.

The kamis did work to patterns, but there was leeway, and no two hand-forged khukri were exactly the same, within limits. The sarki picks a wooden core of approx. the right length, width, and curvature to allow the insertion and removal of the khukuri without excessive effort.

The non-circular curve design of the khukri means you have a wider than usual throat area to accomodate the widest part of the blade as it turns as you remove it - remembering to NOT have any fingers along the blade edge side of the scabbard. They do occasionally cut thru the unglued seam between the scabbard core halves if the blade is not inserted/removed with the required motions. (the more 'circular' curved hanshee or salyani khuks have less trouble with is than the more 'modern (?) broken back ones.

There are 'quick draw versions of the scabbard where the top seam is open most of the way and the blade inserts into that side without the curving motion. These of course are not 'traditional, but 'custom' made for those who are not local.


Another, just for its coolness:

Top opening 'quick draw scabbard

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Last edited by kronckew; 23rd October 2021 at 11:07 AM.
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