Thread: Bicol Ginunting
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Old 20th October 2021, 12:23 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Sajen View Post
Hello Yves,

What do you see by yourself? Compare your blade with my two blades, do you see the same blade shape? Do you don't see the same pommel style? Same scabbard style?

I personally would call all three blades as binakla from the Bicol region, see this very informative thread:

Best regards,
Hi Detlef,

Aside from Bicol, there are two other places which may have made the pieces you posted- Masbate and Samar. They have been known to make figurals similar to Bicol's (and even have the minasbad blade profile). So there's the possibility that yours may have come from those areas.

Yves, I don't think your blade is 100+ years old. The sure 100+ years Bicol blades would be those with D-guards and old-school figurals. If basing on the samples gathered by the minasbad researcher / trader known as The Minasbad Shop, your sample would be around WW2 era.
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