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Old 8th October 2021, 10:06 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 269
Default 1796 Pattern Officers Sword with boatshell guard

Here is my 1796 Pattern Officers’ sword. Often referred to as the Heavy Cavalry dress sword, or sword for dismounted service because of the boatshell guard and double edged blade. Other times this style is called the General Officer’s type, predating the 1831 Pattern Mameluke.

Either way this sword is on the shorter end of typical with a 810mm blade, has it’s leather scabbard and weighs 890 grams. Blade is supplied by J J Runkel which is also common for the type and dates it to before 1808. One interesting feature is the row of holes drilled into the inside edge of the guard. Likely done to allow a piece of cloth to be added there to protect the officers uniform.

Let me know if the statistics of the blade are of interest and I’ll add them here.
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