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Old 5th October 2021, 03:10 AM   #8
Vikingsword Staff
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Location: The Aussie Bush
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Hi Jeff,

Thanks for raising this topic. People think of these boards as tourist items, which they largely are, but some of the older ones (like you have shown) can contain evidence of blades that have disappeared from use.

Below are pictures of the largest example I have found. It measures roughly 32 inches wide and 40 inches tall when closed, and is a triptych with two small side panels that fold out and a large central one. Apart from a few hilts missing, the piece is well preserved. It is covered in black treated cloth similar to what was used as upholstery on T-model Fords before WWII, so I think this one is from the 1930s.

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Last edited by Ian; 5th October 2021 at 03:32 AM.
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