Originally Posted by francantolin
Thank you gentlemen !
One knows ( now.. better than never )
even ( I think ) the picture who illustrates '' a khanjar'' on wikipedia shows this kind with fake hilt 
Quite a good likeness to the subject Khanjar illustrating a simple cloth belt and an Ameriki hilt (plastic) . Eyes of the bedouin decoration below the belt common on Omani Khanjars. See
The Omani Khanjar on these pages athttp://vikingsword.com/vb/showthread.php?t=14878&highlight=omani+khanjar&pag e=4. But there are no fake coins on this item. Actually fake coins are not used on Omani Khanjars.
#108 of
http://vikingsword.com/vb/showthread...khanjar&page=4 refers.
Peter Hudson.