Thread: Kothimora Kukri
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Old 4th October 2021, 11:53 AM   #4
kronckew's Avatar
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Definite mismatch. Kothimora would have had a scabbard made specifically fitted to a better blade. Pommel cap has a section missing. Sword of shiva is nicely done, tho. The 'eyebrow mark in front of it is possibly an armoury mark. Lack of broken spine is usually a sign of earlier mfg. but also found in more recently made ones. Looks like it has a partial tang held on by laha (himalayan epoxy') that is the norm. Probably will need a new grip in a few decades of hard use. The forward edge of the bolster being serrated is a bit odd.

Nice scabbard!

My Hanshee Kothimora khukuri for reference.
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Last edited by kronckew; 4th October 2021 at 12:17 PM.
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