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Old 3rd October 2021, 02:46 PM   #5
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Photos are tricky, but i don't know how someone can fake such convincing Schreger Lines. If my only way to judge this was from photos i would likely accept that this is real elephant ivory. Of course my opinion could change with the hilt in hand, so just package it up and send it my way Nik. LOL!
The "perfect" carving should not make you too suspicious. There are hand always have been many master carvers in Indonesia. I suspect this is a recent piece, in spite if the colour of the ivory, which was likely added after the carving to give this hilt an slight aged look. As a modern piece it was likely carved with modern tools, helping add to the "perfect" look of the carving.
I would say if this is yours you have added a nice piece to your collection, though i am personally strongly opposed to collecting new ivory.
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