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Old 30th September 2021, 04:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 902
Default yemeni omani khanjar ...

Hello dear members,

I wanted to show you the omani ? khanjar I just bought,
It was really nice with his presentation box and seemed not too recent,
cf the 2 main pictures...
not expensive but didn't cost nothing...

I thought it was horn but it's not,
really well imitated I find ,
transluscent of course, a kind of plastic,
didn't smell plastic but didn't smell burned hair too...
so it must be some kind of polymer...

really recent tourist stuff ?
the global structure-silver wires, embossment of scabbard parts seems not that bad
but the fake coins make me think of really recent stuff
so I'd like please your opinion
biggest loser today I think...
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